Major talking points from the meeting between President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and President Xi Jinping on the 3rd of September 2024 ahead of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).

  1. Both world leaders had a cordial discussion, they agreed that both countries stood at a new historical starting point as significant representatives of major developing countries and emerging economies.
  2. The two Presidents agreed to upgrade the China-Nigeria relationship to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and build a High-level China-Nigeria Community with a shared future.
  3. The two sides reaffirmed their firm support to each other on issues related to their respective core interests and major concerns, particularly sovereignty and territorial integrity
    3a. The Chinese side supports the Renewed Hope Agenda of Nigeria and the efforts made by Nigeria to maintain national unity, peace, security, and social stability,as well as promote economic development and improve people’s welfare.
    3b. The Nigerian side firmly adheres to the one-China principle, acknowledges that there is but one China in the world, and the government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory.
    3c. Nigeria opposes any form of “Taiwan Independence” or interference in the internal affairs of China and firmly supports all efforts made by the Chinese government to achieve national reunification.
  4. The two sides spoke highly of the leading roles played by FOCAC in advancing the quality of cooperation between China and Africa over the past 24 years
  5. The two sides reiterate their firm support to each other in independently seeking a development path that suits their respective national interests and will further strengthen exchanges on experiences of governance.
  6. The two sides spoke highly of the overall planning, coordinating and driving roles played by the Intergovernmental Committee and its Sub-committees between China and Nigeria and decided to continue their active coordination under this mechanism.
  7. The two sides also agreed to maintain close communication on the convening of the second Plenary Session of the China-Nigeria Intergovernmental Committee and sessions of its Sub-committees.
  8. Nigeria applauds and supports the vision of Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind, The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Global Development Initiative (GDI), the Global Security Initiative (GSI) and the Global Civilisation Initiative (GCI) proposed by President Xi Jinping.
  9. Both sides pledge to support each other’s efforts in multilateral affairs, including the UN, the G20 and BRICS.
  10. Both sides agree to support the increased calls for UN Security Council reforms with balanced geographical representation to reflect current geo-political realities.
  11. Both sides agree that human rights, including the right to development, are a common cause for all humanity and oppose the politicisation of human rights issues, i.e. the interference in other countries’ internal affairs under the pretext of human rights.
  12. China appreciates the efforts of Nigeria in enhancing regional peace and solidarity and promoting regional integration, with a strong emphasis on respecting democracy, good governance, and the rights of citizens.
  13. China supports the West African countries in addressing differences through friendly dialogue and consultations and to carry forward the regional integration.
  14. China also urges other international actors to refrain from actions that could turn the region into a space for geopolitical contestation.
  15. China welcomes Nigeria to expand trade between the two countries through platforms such as the China International Import Expo (CIIE), the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (CAETE), etc
  16. China supports the import of more quality products from Nigeria into its market.

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